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Health and Safety

Management And Organisation Of Quality, Health, Safety & Environment(QHSE)

Our QHSE Policy requires a systematic approach to Quality, Health, Safety & Environment Management (QHSE Management).

The responsibility for conformance and compliance with company standards and legal requirements is decentralized and delegated to projects. Our Quality, Health, Safety & Environment management systems are based on international standards.

e.g. BS EN ISO 9001:2008, BS OHSAS 18001:2007, BS EN ISO 14001:2004 as well as Guidance notes including the Ghana Labour Act 2003, Factories, Offices and Shops Act of 1970, and Act 328.


The Role of Project and Departmental Heads


All project managers and Departmental heads have the responsibility and accountability for QSHE requirements and best practices for all levels of staff and direct reports in accordance with Kissart’s policy documents. Sector heads are encouraged to promote, monitor, and ensure appropriate documented and certifiable Quality, Health, Safety & Environment management systems, and arrangements meet the local risk profile and legislation as well as Kissart’s procedures and standards, through communication and training relevant to their line of work. Additionally, sector heads shall ensure adequate resources are provided and competent Quality, Health, Safety & Environment staff with the necessary expertise are available to fulfill their responsibilities under Kissart’s Quality, Health, and Safety & Environment Policy including the direct implementation of corrective actions when performance fails to meet regulatory or company standards.

The Role of Employees


Employees shall make themselves familiar with Kissart’s Quality, Health, and Safety & Environment Policy document and comply with its requirements as well as encourage and monitor supply partners’ conformance in relation to the delivery of their services, operations, and activities. On-site, our engineers and technicians shall insist on the use of tools and equipment appropriate for the assigned task. Employees shall also be notified on time, of unsafe acts and unsafe conditions management and Quality, Health, Safety & Environment appointed representatives as soon as they are observed. Our employees are obliged to set a personal example and take reasonable care for the health, safety, and welfare of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. All employees shall have knowledge of the Quality, Health, Safety & Environment requirements relevant to their activities with the further responsibility for ensuring they are available for frequent training.

The Role of Management


Management shall periodically monitor and review the effectiveness of QHSE strategies and policies in consultation with Quality and HSE Directors and other external consultants in line with updates and reviews per industrial changes or updates. Management will lead by example in terms of practice and approach to all projects and other client requirements, which include planning and budgetary provision for all QSHE resource requirements.

Quality Policy


Kissart places the effective management of the quality of our Services, the environment and the Health & Safety of our employees, including all other parties affected by our operations above any other business strategy in conformance with ISO 9000:2000 standard processes. We are committed to being an ethical organization, delivering effective, innovative, efficient and quality ‘Engineering Services’ within the building services sector. We strive to achieve this by ensuring;

  • Management support resources and personnel sufficient for the quality policy to be carried out
  • Kissart’s training and human resources development, are a mutual responsibility for the employees and the
  • Management reviews all agreement to ensure that all employees understand and can respond to the client’s needs in terms of the use of certified products per
  • When reviews reveal that a product or service did not meet the required specifications a corrective action is taken to ensure the all changes reflect the agreed specification of both
  • Internal reviews on all activities which involves quality system, in an appropriate time frame to ensure that the quality control system is effectively functioning
  • Make certain the quality objectives of Kissart are understood and complied with at all level of the organization including our partners, alliances and clients, all with the aim of continually improving the services we

This Policy Statement is published and communicated to all our personnel, clients’, interested parties and the public.


Health and Safety Policy


Kissart is committed to working in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Health and Safety standards and other associated legislation and codes of practice and to ensuring so far as reasonably practicable the safety, health, and welfare of all employees whilst at work, and to provide such information, training, and supervision, needed for this purpose. We are also committed to ensuring that persons not employed by our company who may be affected by our activities shall be protected, as far as is reasonably practicable. Our Safety Management System is linked with the promotion of health, and welfare in the workplace and with the behavior of individuals, and with the identification and elimination of hazards and subsequent control and we commit to as far as is reasonably practicable ensuring that

  • Workplace safety is the highest priority and responsibility of each employees’
  • Management through the appointed health and safety officer is obliged to promote, review and ensure safe working conditions and environment at all
  • The company promotes safety activities which will help to stimulate each employee’s conscience, such as safety training, motivation, information, and
  • All employees must complete our safety training and certification course prior to engaging in any onsite task as directed by their sector This exercise must be carried out annually and must reflect the most recent changes and updates in health and safety standards.
  • All employees at all times irrespective of the assigned task must take into account their own safety as well as the safety of their colleagues and company
  • All company vehicles and sites must be furnished with first aid kits including the issuance of proper protective clothing and equipment required to undertake any
  • All appointed health and safety officers and site managers must be well vexed and certified in the necessary local and international training programmes g., OSHA, IOSH, NEBOSH and must be in the position to carry risk assessments along with the corresponding documentation for further action.
  • Identified protective and preventive measures are implemented and maintained while improper conduct likely to put an employee’s safety and health at risk is
  • Emergency plans are prepared and revised along with external competent personnel to advise and assist in securing the safety, health, and welfare of our employees as and when

All our employees have the responsibility to cooperate with supervisors, managers, and sector heads in complying with statutory provisions so as to achieve a healthy and safe workplace. All accidents shall be logged in our Accident Book. This Safety Policy and the Safety Statement will be reviewed and updated to allow for changing circumstances and ensure operational effectiveness. We will ensure that our Safety Management System is complied with and that our annual targets and objectives are met with a view to continual improvement. This Statement is distributed to all Managers, Project Managers, and Site Engineers and shall be available at locations where this company carries on business.


Environmental Policy


Our policy is implemented by all employees. We are committed to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimizes our potential impact on the environment. We strive to operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and we will strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practices in all we do. Our commitment involves:

  • Carefully monitoring scrap materials in accordance with quality procedures
  • Making sure energy use is monitored through a programme of improvement to ensure maximum efficiency
  • Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into all of our decision-making and activities,
  • Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner,
  • Train, educate, and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their
  • Reduce waste through re-use and recycling and by purchasing recycled, recyclable or re-furbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economical and
  • Promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout our facility including water, electricity, raw materials, and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable.
  • Avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials and products, seek substitutions when feasible, and take all reasonable steps to protect human health and the environment when such materials must be used, stored, and disposed
  • Purchase and use environmentally responsible products accordingly,
  • Where required by legislation or where significant health, safety, or environmental hazards exist, develop and maintain appropriate emergency and spill response programmes,
  • Communicate our environmental commitment to clients, customers, and the public and encourage them to support it,
  • Strive to continually improve our environmental performance and minimize the social impact and damage of activities by periodically reviewing our environmental policy in light of our current and planned future

We believe the aforementioned must be done in a way, which protects and enhances the environment. It is a fundamental part of our business policy that we should aim to avoid losses and maximize benefits. Thus, we aspire to minimize adverse environmental effects arising from our business activities and promote a positive attitude to the conservation and enhancement of all aspects of our environment. Environmental factors must be taken into consideration in our business planning and decision-making. The application of this policy and the effectiveness of our environmental management system is reviewed by management at least once in each calendar year or on a significant change in the company’s operations and includes consultation with representatives of our stakeholders. Copies of this statement of policy will be made available to all employees and to all other interested parties.